Thursday, December 10, 2009

Margaret Wente is confused

Margaret Wente, everyone's favourite contrarian from the globe and mail, has written an article on the Copenhagen summit.

She asks a few good questions about a proposed fund to help poor countries cope with climate change. But her final paragraph displays utter incomprehension:

"It was the West that invented airplanes, too. Bad us. The trouble with energy consumption is that it is inextricably linked with prosperity, productivity and progress – even in righteous Denmark, which oozes green but remains highly tied to fossil fuels. Canada emits far more greenhouse gases than Kenya because we are far more prosperous and successful. And so – no matter how carbon virtuous we are – we're doomed to be cast as global greenhouse villains."

Carbon virtuous? Us!? We emit 50 times more carbon per capita than Kenya does. We are the global greenhouse villains, if you want to use that terminology.

As far as success goes, we can do lots of neat things now, using fossil fuels, but at the cost of destroying our system by upsetting the global climate. It does look pretty successful if you suffer from myopia.

Of course, I'm pretty sure Ms. Wente doesn't believe we are causing climate change, so that could explain her indignation.

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